Southwood Learning – Educational Games


Kids in younger generations are smarter than ever! Southwood Learning Center in Texas understands the importance of new and innovative methods and strategies to make the process of learning more interesting for the kids. The center believes that students learn faster through the process of playing various games.By doing so, a student can understand a new concept or idea, take on a different viewpoint, or experiment with different options or variables. Educational games or game-based learning has shifted the focus from learning through lectures and written tasks towards learning through games, and educational games have become an indispensable part of modern education. Basic skills of reading and writing are not enough to be part of contemporary society. Game-based learning allowschildren to discover new ways of setting objectives and interactively achieving goals.

Many research studies suggest that game-based learning contributes towards the betterment of students’ learning and to the quality of knowledge and skills.Educational games can provide a platform for engaging kids and encouraging them to participaterather than be passive learners. Additionally these games can provide a setting to internalize important vocabulary and structures in innovative ways. As these games can be customized to individualize teaching, itsupports students to become more confident and independent thinkers. From getting immediate feedback on the performances of the kids, educational games provide various incentives to motivate students to participate and learn with high enthusiasm.

There is an emotional connection attached to the memories a student might develop while playing the learning games. For instance, some funny, silly, or interesting moments tend to stand out in students’ memories, and they can more easily latch on to the vocabulary or concepts about which they are studying. Because positive emotional connections can facilitate a smoother learning process, learning becomes more effective, and the student tends to learn faster while their memory is also strengthened.

Educational games have many other advantages as well. These games can grab the attention of kids and help in actively engaging them in classroom participation. As students enjoy playing games, game-based learning becomes a smart way to focus the attention of students towards learning and immersing them actively in the educational process. With the help of educational games, a student can quickly engage himself or herself in the path of learning, and it also makes them more creative and practical. Though children are just playing games, they are also preparing to face real-world challenges andanything else that the future may throw at them.

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